Summer Graduate Teaching Scholarship / Intro to College Teaching

teaching training, University of California San Diego, Teaching + Learning Commons, 2018

An academic year-long training program for first time instructors.


In the latter years of my PhD studies, I took an interest in teaching and was admitted to UCSD’s Summer Graduate Teaching Scholars (SGTS) program. This application process was selective, and required multiple levels of departmental support. SGTS is a structured mentorship program which prepares post-candidacy graduate students for serving as first-time instructors during the summer sessions.

I completed the program during the 2018-2019 academic year, in preparation for teaching in the Summer of 2019.

At the time of writing, further details about SGTS can be found at their site.

Curriculum – Prior to Teaching

  • Introduction to College Teaching, led by the Engaged Teaching Hub.
    • Completed during fall quarter of 2018.
    • Description: “In this course, we consider the art and science of teaching in preparation to be an instructor of record. You will develop your expertise in evidence-based effective teaching practices that support student learning, culminating in a drafted teaching philosophy, a lesson plan for a class session in your discipline, and potential for additional novel course materials.”
    • Primary Learning Outcomes:
      • Explain and implement evidence-based teaching strategies to create a student-centered, equitable, inclusive classroom.
      • Develop and refine a philosophy on teaching.
      • Develop a lesson plan for a class session.
      • Connect the value of a learning community associated with teaching and learning to your development as instructors.
      • Access and apply resources and support for your continued development as instructors.
    • The course was conducted in-person, with a combination of reviewing and understanding the relevant literature of effective teaching practices, as well as practical exercises focused on applying these ideas to our planned summer course.
  • Course Design Studio for New Instructors-of-Record, led by the Engaged Teaching Hub.
    • Completed in the winter/spring of 2018.
    • A multiday workshop offering focusing on planning and building the structure of an undergraduate course.
    • Hands-on time to work on course materials, such as a student-focused syllabus or in-class activities, with feedback from peers and staff from the Engaged Teaching Hub.
  • 60-minute consultation with members of the Engaged Teaching Hub
    • Done in April, a couple months before teaching began.
    • Mainly focused on the concerns of the individual instructor.
    • At this point, I had already attended a few roundtables that had answered a lot of my previous concerns (Rubric Design, Universal Design).
    • My consultation dealt with logistics of teaching, like inquiring about what groups/organizations on campus I might be interfacing with.

Curriculum – During Teaching

  • Meetings with Faculty Mentor (Kamalika Chaudhuri).
  • Reflection meetings, once per week during course.
    • Discuss with peers about course so far, as well as receive timely suggestions from Engaged Teaching Hub staff.
  • Course observation by a qualified observer.
  • Complete an end of summer teaching reflection.
  • Complete an evaluation of the program before the end of the summer.


After the program, I was invited to speak at a roundtable about the teaching experience. I focused on eliciting student relfections and feedback, and how the change in participation credit during my two offerings impacted the quantity and quality of the student submissions. More details are found in the 2019 CSE 151A teaching experience.